I spoke with him on the phone back in December or so regarding the Onza Chill Pills he was selling. I had paid for two sets. He sounded like a genuinely nice guy and he was the one who insisted we talk over the phone to resolve the issues we were having. He said his reputation here was important, so I don't understand the want to self-destruct when he's trying to setup a side business of some kind.
Since someone above already posted more personal information regarding the bike shop, he told me back in December that at that time he was dealing with a series of break-ins at that shop and was dealing with some more serious personal/family stuff. If he has now fallen off his bike and is injured, well, then he's definitely going through a spout of bad luck. But even still, unless he's suffering from some serious depression, he is not absolved from commitments.
I am more of a water-under-the-bridge type, so in the greater scope of the universe, I hope he gets his shit together and moves forward.