Anyone into classic cars


Possibly not a classic in everyone’s eyes but it is to me!

My 2002 MR2 mk3...


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Re: Re:

type49":3dujogvw said:
Here's mine. 1973 BMW 2002. Had it about 10 years now
I do like that, always loved the 02's and the touring was a rare beastie years ago so I hate to think how few there are now.

I've had lots and lots of classics over the years, my list of Fords generally makes men of a certain age go all wobbly and I've had a few P6 Rovers but I've been a long time BMW user and collector because I grew up with them.

I had two 2002 tii's, a 73 in golf yellow and a met brown 76.
I also had what was effectively an Alpina A2 spec 2000 Touring many years ago as a classic race car that I ran in pre 76's (you could use any parts that were deemed to be production so Alpina bits counted)
Several E28's, two 528i's, an M535i and an M5
An e30 320i 6
An e32 750i
an e34 535i manual
An e24 635csi manual

Currently I have an e12 M535i, an e34 Alpina B10 (in lots of bits) as an on going rebuild and I've just bought an e66 745Li to use as a weekend car.

I've not got many pictures here at work but here are some pictures of the current lot below that I've found on my laptop.

The e34 B10 was an absolute basket case that I actually bought to break up and Alpina the e24 but when I got it home I found it was number 3 built, had a full service history with it and was quite low mileage, it had just been subjected to too many Scottish winters (rottiest car I've dealt with) and been left in the hands of someone who really didn't know how to look after it, so I decided to rebuild it thinking how hard can it be? I'd just rebuilt the e12 with a lot of welding (old cars rot badly) and the e34 535i next to it in the picture came up on ebay in the same colour and trim with the correct Alpina wheels for no money so I bought it and had a ready supply of panels and parts for it. Its now in the garage in lots of bits as it really has been a lot of work (a lot more than I expected) and I've not done anything with it for a good while but I'm in no hurry and I have all the bits I'm ever going to need for it so it'll get done eventually.

The e12 I love because they are so rare and is a bit of motoring history being the first BMW M car, people derided them for years saying they are not a proper M car but as someone who has owned the first one with a M engine the e28 M5, I can safely say the e12 is way more fun and given the choice the one I'd keep (well I did), 70's handling and a 3.5 litre straight 6 is an absolute hoot and the upshot is that now they are as rare as hens teeth, of the original 440 built I don't think there are 40 left and probably no more than 20 still actually on the road.

The e66 I bought on a whim, I liked the e32 I had but this thing is on another level luxury wise, whoever bought it new must have ticked every option on the list and it's the only BMW I've ever owned that has 2 pages of build sheet just for the options, this thing has heated and cooled electrically adjustable rear seats let alone those in the front and it has to be the most relaxing car I have ever driven (Rolls Royce included). The down side is if something goes wrong it could potentially cost an arm and 3 legs to fix but there is a great community around them and parts are surprisingly plentiful.


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Wow, that's quite a collection of wheels you have. I worked for BMW in the late 80s & have good memories of the e28 m5 - my favourite Mpowered car. Only ever drove one e12 535 but it was a bit of a wreck & probably didn't stay roadworthy within a couple of years. Also have a couple of e28 535s, great cars. The 02 is probably close to A2 spec, with higher compression, flowed head, 292 cam & twin sidedrafts. Rolling roaded at 137bhp, which is OK in exactly one ton - fun in the wet :wink:
Re: Re:

type49":2pgylqsx said:
Wow, that's quite a collection of wheels you have. I worked for BMW in the late 80s & have good memories of the e28 m5 - my favourite Mpowered car. Only ever drove one e12 535 but it was a bit of a wreck & probably didn't stay roadworthy within a couple of years. Also have a couple of e28 535s, great cars. The 02 is probably close to A2 spec, with higher compression, flowed head, 292 cam & twin sidedrafts. Rolling roaded at 137bhp, which is OK in exactly one ton - fun in the wet :wink:
A tii should read 130 on a rolling road so 137 is pretty respectable, Mine were Solex side draughts which I always thought a bit odd rather than the usual Weber or Dellorto carbs but were the correct item for an A2, from memory they were a lot more efficient than the usual suspects and surprisingly quiet. I got mine up to a bit over 150BHP on the rolling road but that was in race trim and the proper A2 head had bigger valves in it.

Yes a lot of e12's got neglected because for years they had no perceived value, the biggest issue is the suspension as it was made specifically for that car by Bilstien and people just wouldn't pay to replace the legs by the time they needed doing, you can get your originals rebuilt now but it's still not cheap to do

From memory, all e28 535s came with billies, whether m535, standard or se trim, all had LSDs fitted as well. Options of 4 different gearbox - standard or dogleg manual, & standard or 'eh' (electronic) automatics - both 4 speed. Good you've still kept an e12 going though, getting very rare 8)
Yes sadly the bits outside of the cabin are where the e12 and e28 differ so the suspension is completely different, its a real pain when ordering things like suspension, brakes, steering racks and control arms etc. Because you're always given the e28 bits first, even when you explain it's for an e12 and the bits don't fit.

But you can fit the doors from an e28 onto an e12 with a little work and the interior parts are all interchangeable.

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