Anyone else gone to the dark side? Confession: I’ve just bought a 29er..

In fairness to bike shops, the move away from 26ers and cantis was well established even ten years ago. If you're a bike mechanic in their mid/late 20s, there is a fair chance you've worked on very few of them. Not least because someone still tooling around on a 26er, likely only goes to their bike shop for the odd spoke nipple and no-one can run a business on that kind of revenue stream.

Times change, some new things are better and some old things are better. It's not all just cynical marketing (although I think the emergence of so many bottom bracket standards certainly felt that way).
As for the great 29er debate, it took me years to work out what the issue was...then one day, not long ago, it finally dawned on me!

@clubby is exactly right, "they require a different riding style"......and that's my issue.

29er do a myriad of things well.....roll out bumps with big wheels, are more stable down hill at speed, have arse cosseting front or full suspension, big tyres that grip the de da de da.....the list goes on......and im certain on a downhill course they are the absolute tool of choice.......

Trouble is the rest of the time....and this was my sudden revelation...


A quick analogy.....i worked in automotive engineering, and got to drive loads or nice cars....we tuned stuff and built kit, so 1000 bhp bi turbo E problem sir. Now whilst those cars are fine.....they do everything for you, traction control, abs, esp, 4wd, you name it......bit like a 29er.

The cars I found I got an fun experience with were thing like jaguar c type, gt40 or even an ss100.... thing you need to engage with, use your skills not the vehicles.....because they are doing nothing for you...... thats your hardtail 26"....its a raw experience.

As I've said before, my nephews have never had anything other than suspension 29ers and have zero skill. They think my 26" ridgids are " suicidal ".....yes, because they expect the bike to do loads for them.

So yes, 29ers are easier to ride, but an unsatisfying and underwhelming ride to boot... Im sorry, but I kinda enjoy the challenge and the small benefits of a 26"......where's the joy in easy?

So, when in older and greyer, can't bunnyhop or stand up and ride.....then i will by a 29er......same way I will chuck in my 1976 hardtail bobber for a new triumph t100 at the same time!

But hey that's just my humble opinion.🤣
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As I've said before, my nephews have never had anything other than suspension 29ers and have zero skill.

Yes, that's a fair remark. I've seen newbies on full sus 29ers who really should have had serious accidents become near misses because the bike basically saved them. Sadly, some of those friends went onto to have bad accidents which put them off completely because they were riding too fast over too difficult stuff for their own skills and the bike had lured them into a false sense of confidence. Crashes rarely seem to happen at low speeds nowadays.

The speeds some of my friends do on them are frankly terrifying. But I was always someone who liked picking their way through technical stuff because that's what you had to do on a rigid 26er.
I'm with Clubby, have had various modern bikes since 2005 so the changes have been gradual and rather than the modern stuff feeling weird it's made my retro kit feel very strange instead! So much so that I don't really ride them so the collection has slimmed right down, and will further to retro bikes that I just like to look at. Recently got rid of my last 'need to keep this as it'll make a good shop/pub bike when I get round to building it up' frame as even when I build them, I never use them. Geometry didn't change too much until around 2014/15 so you could get away with it but with the huge changes since there's a clear divide.

I guess my gravel bike covers most of what I'd use retro for but with the benefit of discs and modern tyres? Also have a 29er full suss and have been slowly building a 27.5 hardtail since last summer. I love the new stuff as being tall I never thought the old kit on 26 inch wheels was designed for me. When was the last time you saw a 21 + inch retro that didn't look like a gate?

Photo 11-06-2022, 11 29 36.jpg Photo 07-04-2022, 13 19 59.jpg Photo 16-09-2022, 16 15 49.jpg Photo 16-09-2022, 21 07 42.jpg Photo 08-08-2022, 11 41 25.jpg Photo 08-08-2022, 11 46 01.jpg
Ah c’mon @Tootyred, you can’t tell me that this bike just did all the hard work?
They all take skill to ride it’s just modern stuff has evolved and is baby steps getting better and better.
Bikes have been evolving since they first began, and then came suspension from elastomer up to the modern stuff. Sturmey Archer to derailleurs etc etc. it’s just moving forwards that’s all surely?
When you’re out riding how many bikes do you see? And how many of those are retro mtb’s? None right?
For the riding we tend to do the modern stuff is better even if, like you say, not necessarily more enjoyable for everyone.
All my modern bikes are 29ers - I love them. Have a special fondness for Cotics - partly the looks and partly because its the brand that re-ignited my interest in MTB after a long time away.

Cotic FlareMax


Cotic SolarisMax

Cotic Cascade "Jones'd"

Yeti SB 115
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Of course your all entitled to think what you wish....there would be little point on discourse otherwise!

But, after trying lots, im just totally underwhelmed and just don't get it personally.

As for evolution of cycles, your right, some things do get better.....but not all, plus you have to have some challenges.......29ers just move the goalposts of the challenge further apart. Imho.
I buildedthis took it to mayhem. Did first lap on a hard tail 26 then another on the 29. I binned the 29 into the trees as it made fastness way too easy. A lucky escape. Testament to all the old chestnut arguments being made here.


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