Anyone deal with Mike Berlin?


Dirt Disciple
I'm trying to figure out if I'm in the middle of a scam type situation, and I'm just wondering if anyone else has had unusual or "off" interactions with Mike Berlin? He's on Instagram as mikeberlinsmountainbikes, he's got his own website, and is cited as having contributed some of his collection to at least one big show in Canada so I would have assumed he was legit. Thanks!
That's reassuring. I've been waiting for a promised refund from him since July 23rd and communication seems to have stalled, but I'll keep waiting.
Okay. I know he does a job where he works to deadlines and as such gets very busy and seems to disappear for a bit, maybe that’s what has happened, but he comes back after a while. Keep messaging him and I’m sure he’ll come back to you. Good luck.

he is a very busy artist. several of us on the west coast of canada have had many dealings with him.
he can be trusted completely. hang in there. he is a good guy.

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