Any advice on getting stuck barrel adjusters out of frames?


Retro Newbie
So they're rusted in there really good - they don't actually adjust anymore. Plus its an aluminium frame and they seem to have started a bit or corrosion around the threads in the frame too. I've tried some plus gas and leaving it to work inot the threads for a few hours but there's not much to get a grip on.

Am I driling them out or is time to admit defeat, cut the stops off and smooth them inot the tubing and delcare this a singlespeed frame?
How would you drill them out, not exactly a straight line into them.
Heat could help if you don't like the paint.
Otherwise it's slow and steady persuasion with pliers.
Keep the Plus-Gas going for at least a week. Shocking the rusty join with boiling water also helps (I wouldn't try a blowtorch due to the aluminium heat treatment).
If all else fails, leave alone! For the rear you have the mech barrel adjuster, and for the front simply fit an inline one into the cable.
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If you have the time/patience just keep applying penetrating oil and leave it to soak in.

I dug out a pair of disc brake calipers from my box of bits. I have had them stored for about 4 years and know not how long the previous owner had been storing them. Everything worked apart from the steel barrel adjuster in the aluminum caliper body. It was welded in solid with galvanic corrosion. As I didn't need them in a hurry I have applied oil and about 6-8 weeks of patience. After this long wait it eventually unscrewed relatively smoothly.

Time is your friend 😁
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