Another recent build

There is a Jack Hearne for sale on ebay,nothing special but the vendor has put up some old pics of people doing TT's on them. You or Nob may know them.
There is a Jack Hearne for sale on ebay,nothing special but the vendor has put up some old pics of people doing TT's on them. You or Nob may know them.
I only Know Eddie having built a tribute bike for him which hopefully I’ll be showing him later this year.
The seller has had that bike on there for more than 12months & at the price no one will buy…….
There were some fast TT riders on Mersey side with Chris boardman and Gethin Butler etc ..
A bit after my time there, Chris's Dad Keith was a regular 'rival' although rather speedier than me at the time. My era 'fast men' were Charlie McCoy, Dave Allan, Brian Green, Geoff Hughes amongst many others. My first 'inside' ride (just inside!) was July '68 on the Bath Road course. I then did a shortish '58' on the K16 which was my PB for several years. I did get 'inside' on K8 as well in early '71. When we moved to West Yorkshire late '71 I tended to ride Boro' and O2 but never seemed to experience any of the 'float' mornings that other people did. Took me a few years to get inside again (on Boro, never did better than a short 'O' on O2) but once I'd got there I managed a few more over the years. Race bikes were only ever steel - and most of them still are!

As an aside, I never got on very well with Jack H., we seemed to rub each other up the wrong way! Dave 'Tubby' Russell was an altogether different character and we got on very well. Over the years I've had at least 4 of his frames, at least 3 of them (so Dave told me) built by Bill Grey.
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