Another freehub body swap question...


Dirt Disciple
I've got a 135 OLD 7spd M732 rear hub, and I want to swap in the 8spd freehub body from a M737 parallax hub.

If I have a donor hub to cannibalize this will be no problem correct? Just swapping over freehub body plus cone and spacers?

Keeping in mind I know I'll have to redish the wheel a bit and maybe remove a spacer from the non-drive side to accommodate the wider freehub body.

Conversely, I've read that a later model Deore (FH-M595) freehub body (still available through SJS) is a direct replacement for the m737 parallax freehub. So would it be safe to assume that the Deore freehub body would also fit onto an M732? If it fits nicely only an M737?
It's all a bit 'suck it and see'. The main question is whether the drive splines match on the back of the freehub body - usually this is OK, although a thin washer is sometimes needed to provide clearance for the freehub to rotate and freewheel.
The bigger question is around the seal detail on the cones/right hand side bearing. For reasons best known to themselves, Shimano constantly fiddled with the diameters of the dustcap seals. It's easiest to switch over the whole right side cones, dustcaps and freehub body from the M737. Otherwise you may have to remove the 737 / 595 dustcap and refit the M732. It's not difficult but you need something like a bearing puller to prise the dustcap out.

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