Anodising Syncros cranks


GT Fan
Just in case you’re interested / need inspiration. Here’s how I anodised / refinished a pair of Syncros cranks.

First up, the goal was black cranks for a P7 with Syncros stuff. A set of Near Net forged Syncros cranks came up via @Fat Gav (Slim) so the journey began.

First, they were in really good shape, but clearly loved. Bunch of scratches and nicks to smooth if possible.


Took them out to the garage and gave them a session on the polishing wheel, following up with hand polishing to get into the tricky parts. Used a toothpick to get all the polish out of the logos / thread recesses etc.


Then sent them off to Steve Barry at Acorn Plating Ltd. (01252 860424 / to get them anodised black. Didn’t need any much prep work so were done the same day they got there. £45 inc postage. Bargain. Totally recommend. Arrived like this…


Gave them a quick wipe with isopropyl alcohol to prep them for lettering. Got a rattle can of white enamel, sprayed some into a foil cone (foil around your finger), then used that to liberally add to the engraved lettering. I used a syringe but in hindsight, a finger would have done the job too.


Left it 30-minutes allow to set slightly then gently wiped over the surface with kitchen towel / isopropyl. Turned out great.


And with rings. If you have a spare black TA Specialities 58 BCD granny ring, lmk!

Just got to build the rest of the bike now!

Hope that’s useful to someone. Main thing is I know a great anodiser now. 👌
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Really nice work. I'm looking at getting a few bits anodised, I thought there was a minimum charge of £150 with Acorn?

Looking forward to seeing the rest of your bike 😎
Really nice work. I'm looking at getting a few bits anodised, I thought there was a minimum charge of £150 with Acorn?

Looking forward to seeing the rest of your bike 😎
Yeah, £150 is really for the commercial folks. If you ask nice, they will stick them into a batch that’s going through. Just email Steve and he’ll take care of you. [email protected]

The build is going to be a redemption build… Black P7, Syncros stuff, XT, Spinergy wheels and the usual bits and bobs. It’s to recreate a bike that was stolen in the 1990s. ✊
wow, they look great!

I can show here my anodized Syncros Alu cranks too.
Syncros Alu Crank anodized ebay 5.webp 20211205_212236.webp

Just can't say anything with regards to how this has been done, because I have bought them already in that way, but the seller told me that the red anodization was done on behalf of him.

Moroever mine are for Octalink (I) bottom bracket, pretty uncommon and have no engraved Logo any longer.
I was told once that Syncros has stopped to engrave, to improve stability, but maybe it was also a cost thing.

Meanwhile I found out there are even two versions printed logos only, one with having the logo located more close the the bottom bracket, like shown in the brochure for 1998
and even some with newer logo with the rings, approx from 2000
syncros crank01 no engraved logo - Copy.webp

Not sure if you have noticed, there was also a Syncros black anodized one, shown in 1999 catalog
Syncros Alu crank black anodized 1999 catalog.webp
wow, they look great!

I can show here my anodized Syncros Alu cranks too.
View attachment 919148
View attachment 919149View attachment 919150

Just can't say anything with regards to how this has been done, because I have bought them already in that way, but the seller told me that the red anodization was done on behalf of him.

Moroever mine are for Octalink (I) bottom bracket, pretty uncommon and have no engraved Logo any longer.
I was told once that Syncros has stopped to engrave, to improve stability, but maybe it was also a cost thing.

Meanwhile I found out there are even two versions printed logos only, one with having the logo located more close the the bottom bracket, like shown in the brochure for 1998
View attachment 919151
and even some with newer logo with the rings, approx from 2000
View attachment 919152

Not sure if you have noticed, there was also a Syncros black anodized one, shown in 1999 catalog
View attachment 919153
Nice. I’d definitely whack a Syncros decal on those to give them that brand kudos but they look sweet 👌. And I didn’t know there was a black option. That’s great as I thought I was going a bit off-brand.

Incidentally, saw this link in the recommended posts section. If you fancy having a go at adding a physical logo…