Animal WOO1 Original Watch Purple Anodised


Dirt Disciple
All in good working order, keeps time, but will need new battery SR916SW and strap. In great condition, no scratches or marks. I seem to recall this was bought in 1993 and was one of the original style of animal watches. Similar watches are on ebay for BIN £70 and upwards, as you'll need the strap and battery howabout £40 delivered to your door.


I could be wrong, but as far as I'm aware the W001 was released around 95/96. I think I bought mine new in 96 and currently still use it as my main riding watch. Nowhere near as good condition as this one though!
I've got a W001 as well; must be from 94/95 because I've got a photo of me wearing it at Glastonbury where I was complete with ginger dreadlocks :shock: :cool: They had gone by the next G in '97 (call it natural wastage) :LOL:

Mine's a bit different as it's the reverse faced one where the face glows but the hands don't - definitely weird under UV. Mine's also not in as good condition as that; as with all my watches it's completely trashed.

Good price I think. Straps are becoming hard to find though in my experience as everyones gone plastic/metal.