And today I did......

hell you want to see his sara beenie memorabillia collection
rivalled only by his andrae previn stuff
that reminds me

right iv'e had it with the bloody council, yelled rob
they're gonna blood get it ticht the bastards
they'd sent him laywers letters wanting money from him for mooring the now
burned out bayliner
after talking with mr findly bryson (attorney at law) rob coughed up the
240 quid
then they sent him another letter detailing how robs payment will be
put to good use , they were going to get the town artist ,makil bryson
to paint a "peace wall" on a large bit of wall adjacent to the town houe
it was to be a tribute to the people of berlin ,who'd recently broke a
wall down someware
a date was set and action planned , come saturday afternoon we we're all keyed
up for it , but rob had to go to dundee for a hot date ,so
he went round to spazzy scotts , "gorra job for ya scott " ohh what
is it rob " " you know that wall next to the town house ? the one they
just painted yellow , well i want you to paint a great big penis on it,
i'll give you a tenner if you do a good job"
with that rob went off on the shag

about 10 the next morning robs harley screeched to a halt in the street outside my house
"you seen what that halfwits done?" "who and no" replied i
"scott ,i gave him a job to do ,idiots arsed it , comon "
we headed down to the scene of the crime ,
there was an old couple and a dog looking at the peace wall
someone had painted something on it , it looked a bit like somebody waving or somthing ,but there was a fimiliarity
about it , i couldn't quite decide what it was " lets go " said rob all raged up
we arrived at scotts house , he was sat on the pavement outside his house painting a model tank
" allo rob got me tenner" he stammered , rob was about to stand on the tank then thought better
"tea " said scott we went inside " what the hell was tha..morning mrs birrel " lowering his voice
"what did you paint on the wall ? " uuuurrghhh i'm sorry rob dont hit me " " i didnt know any pianists, so i did andre previn
like on the front of the radio times " knew i'd seen it somwhare before
rob burst out laughing
A part of that story isn't true, I gave Scott a £5 and I said if Mikee asks tell him I gave you a £10'er or you'll get a kickin :LOL:
At the begining of the week my girlfriend dumps me which causes a wee bit of stress which starts an ME flare up which causes me to have to give up my participation in the Fort William trip which depresses me which further messes with the ME on top of which I'm working 10 hour days at work just trying to keep a lid on the BIG workload which makes me more knackered and then today my poor wee cat Murphy has to be put down due to kidney failure :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :(

Next week looks equally bad and yet I've promised myself and others that I'm not going to be a Baaah humbug merchant this Christmas :roll:

Role on 2012, I'm right royally fed up with 2011 !!!!!!!!!!!!!
Cheer up mate, just life, take a bit at a time

Remember as bing crosby sang, "its the most depressing time of the year"