And today I did......

True but last post I made in chat was virtually subject to tumbleweeds and whistling wind, whereas this one has sparked some chat. I'll try and do better TK ;)
UltraMiniKen wins gold... photo from the cyclathon.

zigzag":94j9shl1 said:
Needing something to look forward to myself. Work's mental right now and doesn't look like calming down until middle of October, got some weekend work coming up as well on 8th/9th October as well :evil:

Work has gone nuts for me too, and likely to stay like this till christmas (dont know if i can satnd the pace TBH :roll: ), cant plan any weekends when facing a 6am start and probably a 15 hour shift on the Monday.

Have'nt been out riding much at all since Drum, long hours also the reason i've not been on here much :(

Anyway, off to work now :roll:
Got to get the balance right markie, all work no play an all that....
Today i got back online :D
Still a few things to do but for the most part im sorted
And thank God for it :D
Big thanks to my mate nelson for helping me build it back up and with security till i can download the talktalk stuff im paying for.

It was surprisingly straight forward to install,quick at no more than 30 mins start to finish.
Opted for a slightly faster H/D and windows 7 home premium,even managed to afford an extra gb of ram :D

Downside-All my fav BF2 gaming info is fubar.nothing is working and it wont let me retrieve to old accounts,no matter what i do.
Once im happy this is all running and isnt likely to blow up in my face i'll install the fubar hard drive and browse it for all the stuff i dont want to lose[pics,bike stuff etc]Might even be able to extract the BF2 info from the files :? bit of a hassle to retrieve but hopefully it'll all be in there somewhere :?

Anything interesting happen on here in the last week :?
old_coyote_pedaller":2abft2ma said:
What happened to your computer to fubar your HD?

Bad sector.This is how it was described to me :? nothing i could do about it,started with scan disk prompting a check ,then chkdsk came up with a shed load of unreadable files.Slowly broke down from there,sometimes running chkdsk several times it would effect a repair but that would only last a few weeks then it would start chkdsk on startup.
Event log error codes pointed directly to the disc being corrupted

Then nothing :LOL: the black screen.
I can sympathise with you, it's a right pisser losing all your stuff on HD. Lost stuff a couple of times but have I done anything about preventing it happening again, like copying it all onto an external HD?
Nope, silly me.
old_coyote_pedaller":3mvdfsyw said:
I can sympathise with you, it's a right pisser losing all your stuff on HD. Lost stuff a couple of times but have I done anything about preventing it happening again, like copying it all onto an external HD?
Nope, silly me.

Im just the same.Keep meaning to do it but never get around to it,then it breaks and your stuffed. :LOL:

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