And today I did......

Not a BIN, but I have bid, so I may yet lose come Sunday. There is hope that I've only slid down the slippery slope a bit...

Modern road bike that I can strip for parts and get the Trek running as winter trainer.
zigzag":yyn1butz said:
Modern road bike that I can strip for parts and get the Trek running as winter trainer.

You know fine that would leave you with a frame crying out to be built up, and that you'd end up buying parts to put on it too. At least, I know fine that's what would happen to me...
Put a bike seat on the back of the old steed and rode the 2 year old to nursery - despite the 40mph gusts and horizontal drizzle - she loved it... biker of the future! Have a spare seatpost and saddle in the rucksack for a quick switch then on to work - tailwinds meant I was passing cars all the way in! Still didn't manage to trigger the speed camera :( one day...
Ride home was a pig mind, blustery head wind, good work out! Time for more donuts... :oops: need to lay down some carbs?
UltraMiniKen (age 6) did the Dundee Cyclathon on Sunday, managed just over 20 miles of the 25 mile route, mum took him away for a sandwich and dropped him off after the big hill to finish the ride. Well proud, it wasn't easy either as most of the route had blustery cross winds.

His total time was 3hours 36mins including his 30minute car break, his all important(to him) top speed was 21 mph.
Today I thought 'Whats Next for MacRetro', seems to have gone a bit quiet around here since the Drum.

Whats on the Calendar, whats to look forward to, Mr P's adventure up north keeps being mentioned but news from the great northern man is infrequent. Do we have any other plans. I'm one of those saddos who need an event to focus on :?

Wish the wind would quit its making cycling too hard :roll:
Nice timing V, gazz and I have spoke of trying to get up to mikees trails, if he'll have us. Theres also all the cyclocross races coming up if you need to fill a weekend day. Chrimbo night out as well. And Mr P's adventure. I reckon its a bit miserable just now to make plans, seems like we've been thrust into winter already. I reckon a wee day at Kirro or GT would be good before it gets too bad.

What about next years stuff any ideas?

The Puffer has caught my eye again and I have a few ideas for road rides. Theres a thing called the 5 ferries challenge, which looks doable. I was also thinking of a mini tour up north, couple of route ideas but nothing concrete or a road coast to coast.

Had a few ideas about the National and GT Annual meets as well. Could possibly move the Annual date as it often clashes with the Fort Bill World Cup and maybe move the National around for variety. Singletrack this month has three different graded natural routes heading out of Inners.
I reckon a full team Puffer Lite expedition with Englandshire retrobikers added could be a right laugh. The veiw of the sun coming up from the top of the ridge was one of my all time life wonders :cool: Winter Puffer though is for nutjobs only with modernbikes and I would not do more than one lap if I could even manage that :shock:

Mikees Lomond trails are trully great and the shed of delights is a pilgrimage event in its own right :LOL:

I wish I had the legs for some road work but CX is not for me. Is the 5 ferries involving Arran, Bute and the mainland, I take it its reaching the ferries on time which adds the urgency factor.
Needing something to look forward to myself. Work's mental right now and doesn't look like calming down until middle of October, got some weekend work coming up as well on 8th/9th October as well :evil:

Anyway, short term and work permitting, open to anything.

Plans for next year? How about Torridon? It caught my eye (again) on Singletrack recently ( And there is always Sligachan again, now we know the lay of the land.

Definitely up for some more roadbike stuff, should have something sorted by spring next year, whether it's the Trek or some bike to work jobbie remains to be seen.

Which reminds me K, I'll need to get the Allez back to you at some point, shall PM and organise something.