And today I did......

Dr S":60zywpuj said:
This weekend I didn't ride a bike. This weekend I made a huge decision.

After months of thinking things through and talking things over with the missus, we have decided to call it a day.

I am now starting the process of selling of my Classic Car Restoration business and my Rustproofing company after 25 years of hard graft. I'm going to move back to the leaky old shed in which I started and from the beginning of next year I will have a new profession.

Yes chaps, I am at last going to be building bespoke bicycle frames. Beautiful, hand crafted, custom painted, steel bicycle frames. One a week, one at a time bicycle frames. The best damn frames that money can buy.

Now I need to think of a name for them.


free frame to the winner of the naming competition ;)
so would you be doing the 29er thing Si? Fancy one of them bad boys allbeit not sure I would ever be in the position to afford a custom frame!
Yes Gaz, in fact the first frame will be a 29er. I've fancied one for a while.
Get saving your pennies because when you see it you WILL need one.

WOW Si thats really cool :cool:

Roughly how much are we talking for a steel frame and matching fork say Reynolds 853. If ever a person existed in need of a custom frame its me :LOL:

My current favourite bike and has been for some time is a lugged Rudge roadster made of high tensile and 26" sized frame with really slack geometry. Now replicating that frame with some modern tweaks in good steel is something I've fancied for some time. Better start saving :cool:
Skies the limit really. I think something in True Temper or 853 with hand cut custom lugs and a really cool paint job would work out at around £1400 with fork. Internal cable and hoses, sliding dropouts or eccentric BB would be nice touches but would cost more. We can talk at the Peaks meet to get an idea what you want.

The 29er i'm designing for myself is going to be half custom lugged, half fillet brazed with sliders and integrated hoses for discs to give a super clean but retro-esque look. I'm working on a one piece handlebar and stem for it with integrated 1600 lumen lighting. It looks really sweet and I'm hoping to have it on my Cotic before winter sets in.
"God giveth with one hand and taketh away with the other"

I was getting quite excited at the idea of a Dr S custom frame and perturbed by the amount of moolah i'd need to save up and thus as if the gods were listening an email reminder appears telling me to fork out for new car insurance, i'd forgotten about that.

BUM !!!!!!!!!! :roll:
Time for that big clearout Velo ;) that will raise some funds.
Get rid of some of the chaff.

The Ken":3pe29elq said:
"Strangelove" would be a cool name.

Good name :cool:
Reference to Dr only a few will know of :? Nice touch
Strangelove? I like it! Kinda ties in.

Yes TK, a big step. I'm hoping to have the new place up and running by January. I'm going to keep the current business running for another year to give the frane shop a chance to get up and running. I already have a handful of frame orders, plus I'm going to do 2-3 demo bikes to send out to various movers and shakers to help build the brand. I've also got several frame repairs and restos lined up. My first frame is almost finished and I'm starting on a second later this month (this is a very special replica frame for myself: some of you know what it is)
Biggest hurdle is finishing the car restorations I have on the go. Once I get rid of this place there will be no space to finish them off so it looks like the next six months or so will be incredibly busy. ;)
