And today I did......

I went out another run and now I'm going to work.

Si I still need your addy :eek:
Bit of beasting on the turbo today, had a vanilla slice to celebrate :)
Went through the motions of trying to reclaim compensation for my bike again. Then ate a whole bag of chocolate raisins. Feel both mildly nauseated and ashamed at the same time as the sugar high is making me feel giddy.

Now perving on eBay goodies...
Alarmed at being summoned for an echocardiogram, I visited the doctor to find out what the hell had shown up from my 24hrs heart monitoring in December. Greatly relieved to find out the echo was a routine followup, and that my results showed a generally slow heartbeat that responded well to exercise, and the results were typical of a healthy male of my age that takes regular exercise. Thank fruck for that.

While there I took the time to moan about my crunchy shoulder and clicky ankle, and was told to swim and walk over rocky shores carefully. I assume if I had anything serious the advice would be to lie in a damp cave with coins on my eyes.

So a positive day, despite a lack of cycling activity, giving a thumbs up for training for a Lands End to Orkney effort sometime this year (riding retro of course). Anybody else planning an end-to-end this year?

A good result in the cutthroat Kirkwall Quiz League and few pints this evening would form a fine end to the day I think.
got connected to the web via cable not wireless :D :D :D :D :D At last. No crappy wireless :cool: :cool: :cool:

And restored Leopard on my Mac. Snow Leopard is dead :D :D
started working on the new b17 marin ss..........

now has rear air shock with lock-out and some xt v's............
SSing a non URT FS frame :shock:

Big Eck is mad, not only has he only got one gear which even us SS guys have got to admit is not always sensible, he also has the energy sapping bob of a full sus frame. Good thing he's strong, he'll use twice as much energy to go forward as a hardtail or rigid SS bike :LOL:
As regards LEJOG + Orkney, not planning an end to end this year but would consider joining you for a section or two. You'll need to tell us your route and itinery ;)

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