And today I did......

Refitted the tattiest, heaviest shed door to one of my sheds with more screws and bolts than was really needed, taking no chances. :D

Finally got scooter out the shed to discover the tyres had gone soft and the battery very flat, something else to sort :roll:
Dr S":3n2kxu5o said:
Today I cut the spare wheel well out of the Alfa and did my back in wrestling out the fuel tank through the boot. Spent another small fortune on it at Alfaholics before going home and out on my first ride of the year. Starlit skies, crusty snow underwheel, good company and a dram or too followed by a bag of steaming vinegar soaked chips on the way home.
Knackered but happy enough with my day.

Dont talk to me about restoring cars ;)

12hr N/S, 4 hours in bed, now doing an 8hr back. Beer in the fridge though :D I'm also about to do something stupid......
spent most of the day tidying up the house and my office (cos wifeys is so tidy)at wifeys request
never realised how many cables you can accumulate
realised i'm gonna have to spend £26 on a hose for the dyson or continue using 2 hoovers to clean our house
gave our (bank finance training officer)son £100 for a night out
fitted my new hope seat/wheel Q/Rs to my scrapbox build s/s
then thought a bit more about my current pace build ,bling,no bling ?
found a tenner when out walking the dogs

all in a good day
Was the tenner brown and worth ten pounds? Could be mine :? in fact I'm certain of it. You can return it at lesuire :)

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