And today I did......


Got my insurance payout for my shoulder bills. Didn't get my flight upgrade paid but they undercharged me on the excess so not all bad.
Psychologically the bill has already been paid so tempted to put it towards something nice but then I won't be able to use it for a few months which would annoy me.
Hope it all went OK Rob and that the aversion therapy means you no longer have to buy up every single available bike part within a 50 mile radius.
Re: Re:

RobertaMac":2ee2raur said:
Has some bugger been pissin aboot with my last post? KEITH :evil:
Or am I still feeling the effects of the sedation?

Oh dear, the "post op" PMT has kicked in already.
Re: Re:

clubby":a5cyr5bo said:
RobertaMac":a5cyr5bo said:
Has some bugger been pissin aboot with my last post? KEITH :evil:
Or am I still feeling the effects of the sedation?

Oh dear, the "post op" PMT has kicked in already.

Aye wisna me. Mind you if some doctor stuck sumthin up ma erse I would be a wee bit crabbit as well :facepalm: