And today I did......


Was gonnae apologise fer leavin ye in the lurch but it's appears I was actually haudin ye back so I did ye a favour really. :shock:

Aye right.

dyna-ti":1iaxkgsn said:
What a pair :shock:

Aye, and i thought Jack and Victor were too busy working at the hydro.

Ocp get better soon a wee ' there there ' fae the wifey may help :LOL:

Keep your chin up clubby, no long to xmas :xmas-wink:

Sounds braw Kaiser

Really getting intae my commute now I've got over my puncture run. Thinking about tackling a spring classic to keep the motivation going through the winter ( and i' eroica if I get my way)

Strangely my new fave mtb is my new mtb. Not brand new, but the one I got 3 or 4 months back. But after last run I knew upgrades were needed. V-brakes are sh*** in clingy mud and boy the mud was plentiful my white Mongoose became a poo coloured mongoose that had to be submerged in a river to get it clean....ish. So fitted the 140mm travel forks off the On-One 456 I no longer feel the love for and upgraded bike to front and rear discs. Chances were the forks would be too long for the Mongoose but amazingly I think I've got away with it. Modern sus corrected frames are a good thing :D
However when I begin to think retro is behind me I ride my Emmelle Dolomite and I'm back in retro love. Modern kit is great but I cannot abandon retro. So its all good :cool:

EDIT: Bike handles well and climbs well too without that steel bike timelag between pedal cranking and forward motion. Just need a thudbuster seatpost to complete upgrades, thats an aluminium failing, undiluted shock transfer :roll:
Started my induction at local gym for my knee rehabilitation as ruptured ACLwas not repaired Large meniscus tear was trimmed,

Felt good minimal swelling fair degree of discomfort helped by brufen, ice, and cocodamol

Onwards and upwards.......

Well thats me just been a guest of the NHS (Victoris Hodpital) for part of the day they deserve a medal for the work they do.

A BIG thank you for the excellent care ;)