...and the spirit of retro lives on...


Old School Grand Master
Last Friday saw the Grom and I throwing our bikes down the Climacx trail in Machynleth - and on the last big rock drops and downhill section I felt I was right to be on my 2019 29er Transition Sentinel rather than anything else. Taking all those hits at speed is let's say....demanding. And then back home it was with a fair dose of sadness that I looked in the barn and thought....'90 Marin ti gone. '90s Oranges gone. '93 Proflex gone. Cannery Bontrager serial 0020 gone. Everything 1980s and 1990s gone...flown....sold...Karma'd… But then I saw the orange Cotic Simple beaming back at me. 26 inch wheels. KB Racelite-like gussets. 853 tubing. And it exuded the spirit of retro. Born in the 2000s but spirit in the '90s. That one will be staying...
You've mentioned your Cotic on numerous occasions - I think it's only fair to show us a pic or even link us to a thread for it in the correct area of the forum.
Must admit I know little to nothing of Cotic...😳
Great to be joined by lots of fans of Cy Turner’s work...great photos from folks...

Well...there have been a few in our household...a Small orange SOUL for the Grom (frame now in Ireland)...and a duck egg blue medium for me (complete bike now in Bath - photo below)...the SIMPLE...(also below)...and a BfE Max (currently in the stand subjected to Slow Build...). Photos as requested...note the SIMPLE is in its COMPLEX mode (with gears)...but it will flip to full SIMPLE soon...


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Hey Slackboy .... look at the chain on your Simple...nice...’ a slack chain is a fast chain ‘ .....

Like it...

And a nice jaunty angle on the Bel Air ....