Ambrosio CC22 Rim or Other Purple Rim 32H


Dirt Disciple
I blew out the side wall on a Ambrosio CC22 rim today. Thought I would ask if anyone has a spare they want to sell so I can just swap it over rather than mess about changing spokes with a different make rim etc. Purple would be excellent so it matches the front but guess there is not much chance of that so would take whats on offer. Failing this anyone know where I can get hold of a purple 32 hole rim, I only recall Sun and Ambrosio making them ?.

Thanks in advance

mark.lesley AT

First off I haven't got one for sale ;) , but just wanted to say that I was after a single Purple Ambrosio CC22 rim for a while, then 2 weeks ago 1 turned up on the bay, with a Hope titanium hub for £15 BIN!!!

You'll find one, just keep looking :D
They aren't the strongest of rims though as I found out :shock: