alpinestars almega crack


Retro Guru
hi i have recently bought an almega xt on ebay the seller reacons it is cracked in the bottom bracket area i suspect he did not get price he expected for it is this a usual area for a crack to appear? is it easily repaired? thanks
Hi chap,

Cracks are a common problem with al mega's. Very few that have actually been ridden survive from what I have seen on here.

As with any aluminium repairs are difficult. I'd say not econocmic. If its near teh bottom bracket I think harder as you cant put a sleeve over it or anything.
they crack anywhere ,honestly
i dread to look closely at the 4 i have as i know heartbreak is in the post

what year is it ? if its a later one they are easton vari-lite tubes , this cracks on just about any bike built from it
tho if your getting it welded ,post weld heat treatment will help greatly
i think it may help with frames that have not been welded too
got any pics ?
no i have no pics as the seller reacons he cannot get the camera to focus on the crack i actually beleive he thinks it sold too cheap as allegedly was checked thouroly b4 sell is it worth much as is?