Wanted Alivio cantilever brakes and shifters


Dirt Disciple
I am after a set of Alivio cantilevers (BR-MC16) and Alivio/STX-RC 3x7 shifters (SL-MC37). Thank you alivio cantis.JPG shifters.JPG
I’ve a feeling I’ve karma’d my cantis but I’ll have a look ..
Good morning. Apologies for the tardy service. Chaos here with ripped out bathroom, water getting in through the roof and a two and a half year old preparing for Christmas.
Yes. Found them. Although I suspect that they are Altus. Pair of shifters and mounts in non matching colours.
Also found a bag of various bits of cantilevers including a set of Altus cantis.
Yours for £postage and a pint if you want them. I'll sort photos out on lunch if you're interested.