aliexpress forks - yay or nay?

Errrrr ...... what are the user reviews of these forks in question?

I know this is not gospel truth, but if you see something fly off the shelf with rave reviews it can help a decision.
90% might be fine, but do you really want to be in the 10% ? I don't!

I might risk a gear shifter or a decal set, but forks, brake levers thanks.

To start with it would effect my riding, always having that doubt in my head.

But, tbh, its the same reason I don't use expensive boutique stuff either....especially after 40 years of abuse!🤣
I guess Aliexpress is a bit of a generic term, much like when people term a product 'ebay frames' or whatever. So I have no experience of Aliexpress forks, but I've bought a fair few parts f ebay via China branded as Hylix. I've had some forks, few seat posts & even some carbon straight bars. All seemingly nice stuff. Search for Hylix forks & see what you think.
10 years ago I ran a used Cannondale R1000 road bike, about 2002 vintage, I used to be a bit paranoid of the carbon fork on that.........
Yeah, the generic fork on the Giant you buy is definitely much better or safer 😂 It might as well come from the EXACT same factory. With luck from the exact production line 😂
Yeah, the generic fork on the Giant you buy is definitely much better or safer 😂 It might as well come from the EXACT same factory. With luck from the exact production line 😂

But you do realise that even though the likelihood most major brands use the same factories , they will have quality control in the place greater than going direct ? They will have done the necessary research and have a “deal” in place which the factory won’t want to lose by scrimping on quality.

Also if you do have a “issue” you will have fair better chances of payout from a major bike company than a seller on Ali express.

It’s about accountability.
thansk for the input. anyone actually got firsthand experience with these?

The reason I am looking is that I can't bring myself to fully trust the bonded alloy forks on the Giant Cadex as seen here:

looking at that, it's now 5 years since I built it, I haven't riden it once, no-one seems to be interested in buying it for anything other than a stupidly low price, so I figure I might as well actully try riding it... but I have never felt good about bonded alloy forks! probably just paranoia on my part, after all many carbon forks also have bonded sections....

So, to add another dimension to the discussion, what are your thoughts on 30 year old bonded alloy forks? and then compare them to modern aliexpress chearp carbon forks 🤣
Errrrr ...... what are the user reviews of these forks in question?

I know this is not gospel truth, but if you see something fly off the shelf with rave reviews it can help a decision.
Not sure I believe all the user reviews on AliExpress, I'm pretty sure some are fake to "big up" the product. However, there's not much else to go on when choosing a product from the likes of AliExpress.

FWIW I've had a couple of pairs of TOSEEK rigid carbon 29'er forks from AliExpress and put them through their paces with no issues.
With new items, the price strongly correlates to quality, quality control and reliability.

With older bonded Forks, the main problem would be corrosion breaking the bond. (leaving aside unknown impact damage from use)

The fork is a safety critical item on a bicycle.

I've seen quite a few bonded Forks that have come apart - usually sad looking ones:

If the fork has been kept away from sources of corrosion, (principally human sweat and road salt) it's likely to last a lot longer.

How long is that?

Ask Giant what the original guarantee was, to get an idea.

I'd happily ride a nice condition bonded cadex frame around, but I wouldn't bomb down a mountain road at 50kmh on anything like that.