Airbourne Mosquito Ti frame / Butterscotch Psycho's

Sorry guys, 2.1 Wildgrippers have gone. Single 1.9 left.

Dibs on lots of items already in place, please PM if interested in something and ill get back to all messages eventually!

note to self - sell items in small batches - helps prevent PM overload....
letmetalktomark":1rf93njd said:
More details on the airboure please

seat tube: cen/top 19.5" , cen/cen 17"
top tube: cen/cen 23.5"

Set up for 100-130mm forks, lovely responsive back end and nice zing from the bi-ovalized tubing.
Now ive not riden every bike in the world, but ive never ridden anything as nice as this. And the lack of brake bosses really cleans it up, no other Airbourne frame had that touch. It was a UK only model desined to have better mud clearance at the back, and be built to handle longer forks if needed, with the addition of a down tube gusset and crud catcher mounts on the down tube.
Oh, and weighed it recently but have forgotten the figure, something like 1560g (is that right Wadsy?) Works out lighter than an 18" Hei Hei.
Not a single dent/dint or chain gouge.

I think ive just talked myself into keeping it!

I'll add some (pretty awful) pics, but let me know if you need others.


More pics would be good please. Got a want for some more Ti in my life :D

I think I have seen this frame before.

The first pic looks like it has been buffed with a scotchbright :?

Is price negotiable?

Could I get its serial no too
development_cycle":17d8ujpp said:
Talk to me about those orange brake pads if for sale

They are KoolStop 'Salmon' pads, very grippy and a kind of orangey/pinky/red colour in the flesh.
unfortunately they are gone, buy I recommend you finding a set, they look and work fab.

Sorry to see you're off dude :( - will the Explosif ever get built!? ;)

Why oh why weren't you selling the airborne when I sold you the Explosif, we could have done a deal and I wouldn't have abandoned my plans for discs and sold my lovely silver Hope Ti glide disc wheels. :cry:

Only kidding - fate bought me to the Xizang, so can't complain. :)