Airborne 2000 Lucky Strike DB Rebuild

Poor photos sorry due to failing light :-(

2009 Sid Race :



Motion control, 80/100mm travel :


I picked them up in the clearance sale from On One. Absolutely ideal as like the frame, they are a little ‘future proof’ having both V and disk mounts :D They also come set at 80mm travel (perfect for the lucky strike) but have additional spacers to take them up to 100mm.

On One had them in the clearance sale at a great price but managed to advertise them incorrectly. I questioned this when they arrived and they quickly gave me two options – Return them for a full refund (No chance ! I knew I had a good deal 8)) or accept their apologies and have a free merino wool jersey 8) 8) Even taking into account the ‘sale’ price of the Jersey it means the forks ‘only’ (I didn’t realize just how much modern forks cost :shock:) worked out costing me £222.49 for brand new / boxed Sid’s complete with manual and shock pump etc :shock: :D

Ti brake studs for the above :


I thought I would have to shorten the male part of the thread but the forks are drilled / tapped much deeper than the standard boss so these fit no problem :D

Mmm, love a nice ti build, nice water cut drop outs too.
I'm running silver Crossmax SL's, & their stiffness really works with the springiness of ti.
Poping in for updates......Please finish this one and dont run it for 35 pages and then mothball it :roll: :lol: :lol:

Spinergy wheels in spoked flavour ie;xyclone's would look great 8)
Thanks for the comments 8)

MM - only one of my projects got mothballed, and that was to build this ! :lol: :oops:

Besides, better than building, trip around the block, stripping and selling !!! :shock: :lol: :lol:

The ProFlex will return ... ;-)

WD Pro":1dajtpu5 said:
Thanks for the comments 8)
Besides, better than building, trip around the block, stripping and selling !!! :shock: :lol: :lol:

The ProFlex will return ... ;-)


lol OK I get the point :lol:
You must have a guilty conscience ! I wasn't referring to you ... :lol:

Anyhow, anyone have experience of returns and CRC ? They sent me the wrong size shim :-( but at least the goodridge cables are very cool 8)

WD Pro":2v2h1n8p said:
You must have a guilty conscience ! I wasn't referring to you ... :lol:

Anyhow, anyone have experience of returns and CRC ? They sent me the wrong size shim :-( but at least the goodridge cables are very cool 8)


email the warrenty dept. they seem to be very good at sorting probs. probabaly just send you out the right size.
Well I have some proper net access as we are at the (future :lol:) in laws and X factor is on the telly ... Might as well do a quick update :lol:

The CRC delivery arrived, all OK :D but the post shim was the wrong size :-(

Goodridge gear and brake cable set :


Really are quite nice (when you have only had plain black before :oops: :lol) :


Picked up a USE Ti courtesy of ‘kase1983’ 8) there was a couple of small nics in the one supplied but the one on mum’s orange is perfect and as the post is always really low – I swapped them over as the marks are well hidden ;-) It’s the second time mum’s orange has come to the rescue with a USE Ti ... :


The bolts will be swapped for Ti and the ‘barrel’ part of the clamp needs replacing but I have another on the way ;-) The other parts of the clamp are new but the new clamps come with a slightly smaller diameter barrel :? I have always found the USE Ti posts to be sharp around the top (Gouging the ally cradle :-() so I have rounded them off a little :


The combination of Titec bars and Titec fat head stem means that the standard bar shim isn’t wide enough :? (Old shim at the back) :


I couldn’t find a shim wide enough so I made the new shim from a USE thermoplastic seat post shim, cut down with a widened slot so it clamps down (leaving a 3mm gap). I got a 25.0mm to 28.2mm shim i.e. 1.6mm wall thickness. 22.2mm (bar) +1.6mm + 1.6mm = 25.4mm (stem clamp).

From left to right – Standard USE shim (but this one’s ally, and going back ...) – modified shim – original shim :

