A very important decision......


Another thats near the top of the list but a bit worried about the reports that i've read over the past few months about them snapping. any feedback?
Well, one you ride and smile the other you look at and smile!

Your call ;)

Well of course we all know at this level of hand built steel frames its down to pure taste. As most are great rides and will serve well for years.

But to me there is something so pure about a double diamond round tubed unclutterd Rocky that is hard to beat.


Yeah checked out there website j ro and they look good, only problem being that not many of them come up for sale as the most recent i could find was around 2006 and that was on your side of the pond.
Very true Rody. i think this one is going to be a "project" am gathering up a few bits just now but i think the frame is the last bit i'll see.
Elevation 10,000. Excellent made and great riding frame I can tell! Add some colour to create the famous HBall christmas tree look :cool: You will make it yourself a lot easier when you search for something like a Brodie or EWR though :mrgreen: