A pic from todays ride!

Hi again DC :) " You mean doing that run on 53 - 19 is not advisable ? hehe " Had to drop to the 42 though going up Horseshoe, just aint as fit as I used to be. The route also got me to drop to 42 twice more, but not for long.

Always ridden 53 -19, 53-17 and lower no matter what the climb, but then again I don't normally ride much outside of Liverpool. The worst climb I know is Parbold Hill, but its only a mile and a bit to the top. Still a killer though even on 42. I only drop for the main climb, not for any of the other mini climbs.

Made the mistake last year of tackling it stuck in 53 -17. Got there and forgot to drop for the climb. Got half way up and realised my heart was in my hand it was beating so hard. Too late to change mid climb, so stuck it out ..... but never again buddy. Tests your crankset though .... good style ... and yours cleats :)

Rode 56t for a while this year, but the bike she was fitted to is still waiting to be put back together after being stripped for a re-spray & re-build. Love the feeling of 56's on the road, a bit hard to get going but lovely cadence once started. Buggers when you have loads of traffic lights, but well worth the extra effort once I broke free of traffic lights. Amazing feeling of "effortlessness" after riding 53's for 20years+. An impossible ring to use on any decent climb, literally impossible to keep going much after a short blip of a hill. Still glad I acquired it though, its just different and takes some re-training of the legs to accustom to.

Maybe bump into you sometime on the same run ? Take care, yours Laz.

Edit: Just noticed I went through / past Corwen on my run. Stopped off there for drinks & got a puncture instead. Took the back roads from Corwen to Horseshoe, stunningly beautiful, but dodgy dirt tracks in places with lots of gravel trying to kill you. Contemplated tackling "Worlds End", but opted for the Shoe instead. Started at Harwarden Bridge (where the Graham Weigh shop is).
Haha :) "Finally know why just after the 20degree sign post on Horseshoe there is a small respite".

Thought I was going crazy when it felt like going downhill just after that bend. Just when my legs where about to pack in I turned that corner and felt like I was flying. Thought maybe second wind / gone through the barrier but Google Earth confirms what I suspected all along, there is a 10m drop in height for a few hundred yards, then continues back into the climb.

Oh well you learn something new everyday :) Laz.
Lazarus":3eufd4d2 said:
Haha :) "Finally know why just after the 20degree sign post on Horseshoe there is a small respite".

Thought I was going crazy when it felt like going downhill just after that bend. Just when my legs where about to pack in I turned that corner and felt like I was flying. Thought maybe second wind / gone through the barrier but Google Earth confirms what I suspected all along, there is a 10m drop in height for a few hundred yards, then continues back into the climb.

Oh well you learn something new everyday :) Laz.
That's why when the 'Shoe is used for the Hill Climb Championship the majority of riders use gears and really bang it in a big one over the last stretch.
Re: bike ?

Simon26":28b22mf4 said:
please could you tell me what bike that is thanks.

Tommasini Super Prestige SLX 1990,
Camapagnolo through out.

Cheers Ned :) " So its not a secret then :roll: " Thought I had gone mad on the day. I assume you've ridden it my old mate ? Very strange feeling if you are a 1st timer not expecting it, nice welcome respite though, especially now I know its there :)

Take care buddy, yours Laz.

"Very nice bike there Daddy .... very nice indeed, ... so nice it would look better round at my house with its relatives Faggin, Paganini, Zeus :)"

Later buddy, yours Laz.
Lazarus":1yqe2jhr said:
I assume you've ridden it my old mate ? .
Ohh yes! From around '61/'62 when we watched the Milk Race coming over - and I lent a motorcycle marshall my bright red 'butty bag' and pump so that he could use it as a red flag on the bend (they came over from the Ruthin direction and down to Llangollen). Also rode it in 'training' and in hillclimbs a couple of times.

I never rode any of the mountain time trials though (such as the Birkenhead North End CC one) as I decided that self-abuse doesn't have to be that painful.

I was up there earlier this year (in the car) and had a bite to eat in the Ponderosa - which is considerably larger than I remembered! It was a lovely day and I had never realised before that you can see the sea over by Rhyl. It was the wind turbines that I noticed.
D4ddy Cool":yvb5ecz4 said:
A pic from todays ride, it is well over 10 years since i last climed this, was quite funny today, i had already done 30 miles by the time i got to the bottom, when 3 guys on their 5k super bikes when past me and comented on how old my bike looked. I took great pleasure telling the first 2 that its the engine thar does the work :LOL: . An the third wasnt to happy when i went past in the saddle as he was all over the road out of the saddle. :LOL:

Funny thing you should mention that:
Last weekend I was doing a 80km ride. It has a nice hill in the middle: Maybe 5km long and about 5-7%. Just before the hill I passed 3 guys on their ultralight carbon bikes as they had a break at a gas station. I started the climb at a leisurely pace - As leisurely at 39/21 allows anyway. About 1/4 up the hill I heard some talking behind me. I glanced over my shoulder only to realize the carbon-gang had gunned it from the bottom of the hill. Surely their plan was to sprint past retro-Marx and his Daccordi SLX to show off their superiority. So as soon as I caught wind of their approach I gradually increased my speed up to a more suitable 20km/h, but nevertheless I had company after about 200 more meters. Not to be bothered I just continued on with my pace and about 50 meters after I heard the huffing and puffing behind me it was yet again silent :LOL: I didn't check out the status visually until a hairpin about 700 meters further up the hill, by then only one of the wannabees were in sight and he was trailing me by at least 300 meters.
I don't think they quite recognized the acceleration I did just before they caught up, and it seems they paid the price for it :LOL:

The moral is, as you said: It's the cyclist that does the racing, not the bike.
Hi, I am Karl, Laz's nepthew.

I just wanted to let you all know that Lazarus (Tony) passed away last week from a brain tumour.

RIP Laz, you where one of a kind. x