So, after yesterday's aborted ride, owing to a canti trying to escape the bike, I tried again today!
Thankfully, the straddle wire had other ideas, all that was tethering it to the bike :facepalm:
Brake fixed with a spare spring I found in my bag 'o stuff, and we're off today!
Up through Castle Goring and into Clapham woods we go,
Along the Monarchs Way, heading west and into Angmering Park Estate,
Just after this shot, I got a puncture :facepalm: but to be fair, it was nice weather to be mending one, and in pleasant surroundings, too.
Through Wepham Down, to The Burgh, then up the other side heading towards the SDW by Downs Farm. A piccy from where I'd just come from,
Turning right, before reaching the SDW, up a long drag. To this gate.
Then onto the main drag across the top of Kithurst Hill and Chantry Lane, dropping down to just before the A27. Turning right onto a nice piece of track
that takes me past a private school, up a concrete road, and up to the main track down across the Furlong, and home, in time for lunch, at 4.15! A very pleasant 2 1/2 hrs in all, Champion!