A Long Time Ago, In A Garage Not So Far, Far Away.... 1991 Specialized Stumpjumper Comp - Over Three Decades Under A Blanket!!

I had 1 of those as my 3rd mtb. this looks like a proper time warp immaculate condition! those red valve caps might be an indication of AirB latex innertubes, i'd recommend removing those if you want to ride it, they didnt have a great rep when new!
I briefly dabbled with AirB latex tubes back in the day…. 🤣 But thanks for the heads up 👍
I guess it is ok enough. Tyre logo is not centered with valve....only joking :)

That is absolutely amazing condition. I have known people who could've damaged it just by draping a blanket over it!

+1 for ditching the AirB tubes.
Jaw status = dropped.

I have never been a fan of Specialized, never desired to own one. Just my own view, I always gravitated to other brands and as a result I don't care for them, frankly.


That is beyond awesome. Absolutely beautiful time capsule. Anyone, even me, would be proud to have that in their collection. Great find!