A "hello!" and let you know..'94 Team Yo Eddy.


Dirt Disciple
Dr S warned me this retro malarky is addictive....and he was right! :) Thankfully the girlfriend also aparently "needs" a retro-mod bike now too....bonus!! More tinkering and building....hmmmm

I'm sure you guys and gals have seen this steel machine numerous times before but wanted to let you know that its come to a good loving home and getting used :D

Plan is.....errr.....ride the hell out of it and enjoy every second! Already done a club run on it first weekend got it bolted together and set up - many admirers and much reminicing! Felt like a proud father...but thanks goes to Dr S for his hardwork. Absolutely right Si, she behaves impeccably and kicks like a live 'un when winding her up! "Bostin!!" as we say down here in the Black Country :)

...seems I accidentaly bought a late 90's orange to build up and use as my daily.....shame! Watch this space...a modern twist....build up pics to folllow on another thread :)

Over & out.

a quick snap of the Yo...as said prob seen a few of these before....will get orange pics up tomorrow/friday :)
