a classic bike for everyday! marin pine mountain is finished

lovely looking build, thank you for the pics. Think I might go for P2's on my latest marin build after seeing how well this looks.

I have a 96 team since new and I always thought it shared the same frame as the pine mountain but mine is fuji rather than tange. Is my memory playing tricks as it so often is or did marin switch during the year?
tom l":30pqkp4y said:
lovely looking build, thank you for the pics. Think I might go for P2's on my latest marin build after seeing how well this looks.

I have a 96 team since new and I always thought it shared the same frame as the pine mountain but mine is fuji rather than tange. Is my memory playing tricks as it so often is or did marin switch during the year?

I've got a team from '95 which is Tange. They do have different frames from the Pine Mountain though. Same angles, but the team is more race orientated and has a longer top tube.