A 1st World Problem: Too many not enough bicycles


Bin Monkey
BoTM Winner
PoTM Winner
GT Fan
I have too many bicycles

There, I said it!

'Just going for a ride' isnt allowed.

'Just going for a ride' implies that you have already chosen the bicycle

Not when you have too many.

When you have too many, just going for that ride opens a can of worm gears. Which bike? What route? That bike would be comfortable on this route but I dont want to go that way today.

So what happens? 3 hours pass, it starts raining and you go back indoors and eat cake instead

Carry on
I blame the cake, it planted the seeds of confusion over which bike and which route. It’s a little known fact that all cake is telepathically linked to the Ameglian Major Cow species.

Solution: Eat the cake before it has a chance to attack. Then go and visit your bikes and choose a bike/route with no external pressure.
Yep....exactly where i felt i was heading.....trapped by bikes and stuff.....and i didn't like it one bit.

Less choice.....less prevaricating.....more riding.
Simple. Put cake in jersey pocket. Blindfold yourself. Blindly pick a bike. Take blindfold off. Choose a route with said bike munching cake on the driveway.

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