97 Proflex

The Model Citizen

Dirt Disciple
Here's my Proflex in fit up mode. It's a new frame, actually a beast but the same as my broken 857, new forks (colour to change to 97 grey), XTR hubs and shifters/brakes and soon to have XTR mechs. Details will change as I get nearer completion but at least it's on wheels now.


Paint detail. I can't decide to change it to the original 857 red, custom colour or leave it as is.


Brakes waiting to go on.


Shifter detail


And the Syncros crankset I've had from new which has always been on this bike.


I'll post more as it gets closer.
Just to confuse you i'd keep it as it is if it were mine. Eventually go proflex red but when the paint is that good, I wouldn't change it if it were mine.

Looks very nice by the way.
A decision has been made. After setting up a mockup in the workshop over the weekend (taping an old fork leg to the forks fitted) I have decided that the fork definitely go grey and the yellow stays. Works with the grey forks, doesn't work with the white.

This means stripping the white ones as they are slightly longer and utilize a different upper link. I believe these details changed from 98 onwards to give the front axle a different path, reducing the "tucking up under" effect the 97 forks had. This would be an improvement so the white go grey rather than just fitting the older grey ones.

............still awake?
Just a few finishing touches to go.

I took it out for a shake down run on the weekend. It definitely needs a new set of chain rings. I've got some Middleburns ordered. Also, I should've put batteries in the camera and I should've checked I had water in the Camelback. Other than those things, it all went well.

It really does climb well. It's been about six years since I've ridden it and I forgot that fact. My test hill climb I did in the middle ring rather than the granny gear. Really happy about that. I did notice that, due to the fairly light build, they are a bit squirmy in the back but the steering is razor sharp. It really is a lively bike.

Here it is with the old forks back on but with new links, bushes and pivots. I even got a can of spray paint matched to the forks so I can touch them up when I get the chance.

All in all, very happy to have it back on it's wheels.





Large and middle rings were fine, the granny just won't cut it.

mate thats awesome! Fancy a Retrobike Proflex meetup at Lysterfield sometime before you decamp to Wales?
Sorry to take so long to reply Skinny Boy. Sounds like a good idea. I really want to do a last ride in a couple of spots, Woodend, You Yangs, Otways, before I go. I'll PM you details.
Woah, I normally don't really like proflexes all that much, but this one is classy. Good decisions on the colours too, think I would've done exactly the same.
Really nice buddy. I like it.

Colours look good, grey works well, goes with the carbon and XTR kit.

Need to get my 856 going soon.

Cheers for posting.