'96 Kona Kilauea - The Anti-white


Dirt Disciple
I bought this about 3 years ago when it looked like this:


Over the past couple of years I've ridden it loads and gradually upgraded it but then I got offered the chance to buy a DeKerf frame which lets face it your not going to turn down.

So, I stripped the Kona and moved everything over to the DeKerk. I rode that for a bit but didn't feel that it was significantly better than my old Kona so it got sold (on here) and here I am with a Kona in bits and a picture of how it looked this morning:



As you can see above the colour is a clear powdercoat over what can only be described as rust. It looked quite good but had started to flake away leaving the frame unprotected so time for a repaint in something different.

I spent today stripping it and two coats of Nitromors and a good going over with a drill and a wire attachment it now looks like this:


Its almost a shame to paint it with all these nice details:



I was going to go for white powder coat - a local firm can etch prime and coat it for me for a very good price - but am now having second thoughts as it seems that quite a few people either have or are doing this to Kona's of a similar age.

Time for a rethink...
Anything but white. Way too many of them going around just now. If you want an unusual finish see if the powdercoaters do metallic effects for alloy wheels. My local guys do it and it is really interesting.

Please tell me you weren't the guy that sold the DeKerf for a really cheap price on the one day I didn't check the site at all :cry:
stevecrx":2gepggl2 said:
I'm the guy that sold it for a fair price. ;)

Oh, and someone still tried to haggle me down from that.

Bugger! I would have paid more, still it's too late now :cry:
I would really consider painting it close to how it was before you stripped it.

I think that brown is lovely, especially with a baby blue decal set
i like that orange :D ..lime green is smart :D .. flat deep colour would look striking..there are a few members doing frames in white then "pulling" the whole scheme together with some striking decals. So with a fresh base and different decals you get the :shock: wow :shock: factor ;)

Ernie ;)
Are you sure that's a 1993 Kilauea ?
I don't think it is.

What are the first few numerals of the serial number and do you have a picture of the bottom of the seat tube/top of bottom bracket.