'95-ish Giant ATX 780 - Refresh

The following might be of benefit to those searching for M65T cartridges for Shimano LX M565 cantilevers (also applicable to STX-RC / MC33 which has the same set up).

Previously, I mentioned that the original LX cantilever pad inserts (M65/T) were cactus. I impatiently purchased a set of Jagwire cantilever pads from the LBS (as I wanted a solution that enabled me to ride the freshly tinkered bike *that day*) - they're actually fantastic and have give the brakes a strong feel, without the 'rim eating' qualities of the old Shimano blocks.

Try as I might however, I couldn't leave the lovely LX holders empty so I finally took the plunge and acquired a set of the Kool Stop M65/T Salmon inserts from SJS Cycles, which came with be back to Australia from UK in my camera satchel...


Ride report to follow. In the interim...


Thanks for reading!
Step asside assortment of worn 26" hand-me-downs, it's new tyre o'clock!

Maxxis DTH in 2.15" (folding).


If I'm honest, I originally thought them as a bit 'fashion tyre' (here is looking at you, Billy Bonkers), but they suit the surfaces this bike sees perfectly. And they really do look fantastic.


At some point since my last update, I also changed the handlebars. I quietly yearn for a little more rise / backsweep so I picked up this inexpensive Uno 'Swallow' bar to experiment. They're not quite the riding position I had in mind (too much rise / backsweep!)
and whilst it was nice to experiement with something different, I've since swapped back to my previous set of bars.

I've got my eye on a riser bar from Indonesian mob, Ken.ID, which looks to be a copy of the Nitto B802 series.

Never the less, Café Cruiser mode captured for posterity.

Giant ATX Cafe Cruiser-001.jpg
Giant ATX Cafe Cruiser-003.jpg
Giant ATX Cafe Cruiser-009.jpg
Giant ATX Cafe Cruiser-005.jpg

Specs: 620mm wide | 50mm rise | 50 degree sweep

The leather saddle tool bag was something my wife bought for me years ago but I've never owned a saddle with provisions to hang it from. After returning to Australia, I found it in storage (still in its packaging!) and was motivated to make use of it.

Giant ATX Cafe Cruiser-006.jpg

To mount the bag, I've used a gadget called the Bagman Quick Release adaptor by Carradice which clamps to the seat rails. It's a neat gadget and features sliding pins so you can remove your bag without fumbling around with straps (though the spring mechanism is a little clunky).

Curiously, I expected there to be more options out there to allow you to use saddle bags with contemporary saddles but I suspect this is frowned upon depending on the cycling niche you occupy ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Thanks for reading!
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* Update *

My ATX hasn't seen a great deal of use since swapping the Uno Swallow out for the old risers. With a few other cool projects demanding my attention and the narrow-ish riser bars not sparking much joy, the ATX got relegated to the back of the workshop.

Recently, my grandmother-in-law had to enter residential care. Whilst cleaning up her house, I discovered a few gems related to this project.

I never knew my grandfather-in-law but from what I'd been told, he was a real stickler for detail, and never did things by halves (especially research!) Stashed away in the garage, I found this bicycle repair handbook full of receipts relating to the ATX, including personal notes in the margin and loose notes relating to his research.


I also found the tyres mentioned in the receipts.


Tyres were stored flat with inflated tubes (still holding air since the mid 90's!) and wrapped loosely in plastic wrapping. Aside from the layer of oxidization (which appears to come off quite easily with a brush) they still feel quite flexible with no signs of cracking or degradation.

I can't see me making use of these; perhaps they'd be of value to someone looking for a restoration more true to the era?

Needless to say, this was the motivation I needed to sort out some handlebars for this bike and jump on it more regularly again.
On Handlebars:

Truth be told, I decided that I wanted the Nitto B802-AAF riser before I'd even started this project. Sadly, I didn't have the budget (nor luggage space) to bring them back from the UK with me back in 2022 (which I'm kicking myself at as they've been more or less out of stock ever since!) They're proper wide at 720mm and have the right amount of rise + back sweep without looking like a motorbike handlebar. They're also alloy (rather than chromoly which is a popular material for 700+ wide 25.4mm bars, albeit with a weight penalty).

In the absense of availability for the B802, I thought I might experiment with what I had.

Initially, I thought I could extend my silver risers using extension plugs. These ControlTech Terminator plugs add 20mm each side and are a really solid solution, provided the I.D of your bars is big enough to accomidate them. Spoiler alert: mine were not.

ControlTech Terminator-002.webp

A short time later, I spied these Salsa bars on FB Marketplace which had an interesting shape to them. The model is the MotoAce and they're a 660mm wide flat bar with 11 degrees of backsweep. With the ControlTech plugs fitted, these provided an interesting riding position; I didn't hate it but the riding position was just a bit too close to the original flat bar this bike was equipped with. Pulled them off before I was tempted to strip and polish them.


Fast forward to Feb 2025, whilst putting in my bi-yearly order with friends back in the UK for Percy Pigs and (actual) Yorkshire tea, I noted my local bike shop had the Nitto B802 back in stock. A quick email and an exchange of funds (incl. £40 shipping - ooff!) and I had my dream handlebar!

P3030329.webp P3030332.webp

Still need to get a nice shot of them on the bike but I've been too busy riding it! For now, this will do.


Thanks for reading!
Lush bike. Dont see many steel ATXs in the UK. I've always liked steel Giants as a) my first MTB was one and b) I believe they are the only steel bike manufacturer that made their own tubes in house.

Oh c) they look great too 😎
Lush bike. Dont see many steel ATXs in the UK. I've always liked steel Giants as a) my first MTB was one and b) I believe they are the only steel bike manufacturer that made their own tubes in house.

Oh c) they look great too 😎

That makes perfect sense. As a throw-back to their OEM roots, they were likely still making frames for other companies around this time.

I think the ATX-range was primarily a US offering (also marketed in AU/NZ). I have a suspicion that it was released in Europe under a different name (Escaper perhaps?) but I don't know what time period that was. I recall seeing a few steel Giants about when I lived in the UK, but nowhere near as plentiful as Trek, Specialized, Marin etc etc.

Mountain Bike Mag - Jan '95.