'95 Ibis mojo handjob Renovation

If you don't use a handjob stop on a bike that comes with one you are committing the most cardinal of sins.

V-brakes nowhere near this, please!

M900 would be nice on this. I'd run the whole group with an M950 RD in the back, so you can pretend you're a NORBA racer trying out a prototype mid-season!
If you don't use a handjob stop on a bike that comes with one you are committing the most cardinal of sins.

V-brakes nowhere near this, please!

M900 would be nice on this. I'd run the whole group with an M950 RD in the back, so you can pretend you're a NORBA racer trying out a prototype mid-season!
Love this thanks! Will be running m900!

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