95 Explosif teen dream

Got it back this week from Argos cycles looking lovely, paintwork isn’t quite demonstrating the depth of the metallic red in the November light… View attachment 681126

So the next question is what to do, this is absolutely 100% not a catalogue build, it’s also not a matchy matchy perfect retro build, so exactly as the title says, it’s what I broadly would have done as a teenager if I had any money in the 90s. Stuff I wanted, with various different brands, not worrying whether it is the best working as long as teenage me would have it - with some minor oversight from old me going “are you sure?”.

I have been collecting various parts for a while now, but don’t have everything so let’s see how it goes!

First things, the forks. No teenager ever wanted project twos in 1995 - look cool up to 93 models but from then on it was about the suspension. Also this one has the “mountain shock” sticker and as I’ve always had a dodgy hand from birth, suspension hurts less.

Always quite fancied some Pace, bombers are great (Kilauea had them) but I stumbled across a pair of NOS 97 Judy XCs so that’s my starting point, they’ve even got the brake boss covers on and internals have the original grease looking fine - the cream and red was also the colour I though looked the best.

Only niggle is that I’ll need to run v brakes through the dog collar...

Quick mock up
View attachment 681130

That’s up to today, really need to buy a headset, wheels are currently being built so will hopefully arrive soon
Did Argos apply stickers for you (supplies by you) or did they paint the graphics on?
They sourced them, applied and then clear coated over
I’m looking to do the same, can I ask did you send them a photo of what you wanted it to look like and how much did they charge you?

I’m thinking a brighter cherry metallic red with blue 96 decals!

I’m looking to do the same, can I ask did you send them a photo of what you wanted it to look like and how much did they charge you?

I’m thinking a brighter cherry metallic red with blue 96 decals!

I would have to go back and dig it out, but it’s better giving them a call to discuss requirements which I did.

I asked them to match to the existing paint so there was a searching fee etc, but if you want one of their existing colours it becomes a bit cheaper
I would have to go back and dig it out, but it’s better giving them a call to discuss requirements which I did.

I asked them to match to the existing paint so there was a searching fee etc, but if you want one of their existing colours it becomes a bit cheaper
Cool, thanks mate. That’s really helpful

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