95 Explosif teen dream

It’s getting there 👍 what skewers did you go for and have you a non drive side pic?
Can’t rush these things…

X-lite skewers, fairly old ones I think, always loved an X-lite skewer! Don’t have a full non drive side pic but have this which shows a bit of detail C33DC9EE-05CC-4500-A4CC-6AAE6D2152BB.jpeg
I had a NOS Kona Control Centre if you were keeping the Project 2s and replica 96 decal kits along with NOS Curve brake levers.

Argos look like they have done a great job. May I enquire to the respray cost with decals?
I had a NOS Kona Control Centre if you were keeping the Project 2s and replica 96 decal kits along with NOS Curve brake levers.

Argos look like they have done a great job. May I enquire to the respray cost with decals?
A nice control centre is always tempting, but it’s all about suspension on this one for me. Always fancied the 96 in green but this is the one that turned up and rather taken with the 95 colour scheme now.

The basic respray was £220, but then a few extras in that the paint was a non-standard colour and sourcing and fitting decals which did add up somewhat

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