94 Kona Kilauea for sale.... Opinions on price req'd.

Personally speaking, it's too expensive. It's a good example that's for sure and in a decent size.

Just as a side, I've noticed a bit of a bottoming out of the market. I'd be curious to know what others think. To me, compared even with 6 months ago, the prices being commanded on higher spec items are not getting the bites they used to get.

Anyway, back to this, realistically speaking, £250-300 tops.

I agree with Al that your price is a little steep. It is a nice example with some nice parts with good intact logos. Unfortunately once you take on a re-paint you usually won't recoup even close to what you outlay, regardless of the quality of finish. I watched a lovely 95 Kilauea, (which is one of the favourites on here) with all original parts and paint, get relisted time and time again on ebay at £400 and I think the seller gave up in the end.
Thanks for the feedback gents. I've taken what you have said on board and I'll adjust the price accordingly.
Thanks for the feedback gents. I've taken what you have said on board and I'll adjust the price accordingly.