92 purple/orange fade Clockwork

£400 is far too much in my opinion. I paid £150 for my purple 1992 clockwork 6 months back, with a better spec and just as good condition. If you can haggle to £250 then you would of done alright.

I saw it at £399 and thought it was bonkers. Never paid that for a non-titanium retro orange, including the various mint bikes I've had. :facepalm: Before Covid that would have struggled to top £150 and could easily have sold for sub £100.

To be fair I bought a orange/white Clockwork frame from a nice guy on the forum. After putting a decent set of wheels on, decent group set, cables etc. It has cost me well over 400. The frame alone was 150 plus postage. The way the bikes are going up in value is partly down to forums and FB groups, upping the desirability and take a look at the way some folk go on about Xt this and Xc pro that. If you want anything that badly then pay for it if it’s too much you walk away. Simple.
Re: Orange purple fade

What's happening I missed a couple when they went above £150 thinking they were over priced.
I'm waiting for the Marin boom - Kona's & Orange too common.
clockwork davo":3qdfltxc said:
Apprantly he had lots messages saying he was selling to cheap !! :facepalm:

:LOL: this time last year you might have got 2 bikes like that for £400!

Now is really not the time to be buying.
Re: Re:

judgetedd":2fx8uzq7 said:
To be fair I bought a orange/white Clockwork frame from a nice guy on the forum. After putting a decent set of wheels on, decent group set, cables etc. It has cost me well over 400. The frame alone was 150 plus postage. The way the bikes are going up in value is partly down to forums and FB groups, upping the desirability and take a look at the way some folk go on about Xt this and Xc pro that. If you want anything that badly then pay for it if it’s too much you walk away. Simple.

Yeah but everyone knows that if you spend £500 building a bike, it doesn't mean that at the end you'll have a £500 bike. Building your own always costs more, and you're unlikely to get that back when you sell (present madness excepted).

I'm astounded by apparently intelligent people seeing adverts for say a £900 Carrera on Farcebook and commenting... "Bargain", "Great bike, Great Price!", "Super Rare! This won't hang around very long!"...
I often wonder what they're smoking :LOL:

Anyway, £400 for this Clockwork is too much imo. I'm out.