89 Wicked Fat Chance - any wisdom?


Dirt Disciple

I’m waiting for a German eBay delivery - in it should be an 89 Wicked covered in some tarty bits. I thought I’d try to do my homework before it arrived... thanks in advance for any help.

Serial number is 07489W - this does tie up to 89, doesn’t it?
Forks are a Tange Switchblade - I think it ties in for period...ish, but I assume it wasn’t sold with the frame? Does anyone have any thoughts there?
Bars are way out, Azonic risers, and the stem is a Syncros - already had some info here, should be a Fat bar and a Salsa.
Cook’s Quality Products ‘arrowhead’ cranks - I think they’re a year or three younger than the frame?
Paul Components, it’s got a canti at the back but a motolite V at the front. Old font in the logo so pre 94ish I think?? has anyone got any wisdom on the year the V’s were released?
Kooka Rachas - these are about right date wise, aren’t they?

Original build - I think it should be dripping in M732 XT? With the possibly Magura levers? Any tips there would be handy.

Not quite sure which direction this is going in... but it’ll be interesting to see what state it’s in when it gets here. If it’s really nice, I may go original, if it’s a bit shabby then I’ll go chasing ride quality at the expense of originality I guess. Either way... excited!!!

Here is one of the best of the class of 89:

As close to original specs as it gets. It was a good year to build a Fat Chance.

Wickeds are agile w/a modern feel. Build it w/ an eye on period but a feel for performance. A V brake here and there won´t break the aura. It´s still one of the best technical singletrack woods bike. The numbers alone can´t explain how well this bike rides. It´s maybe the best rigid mtb ever made.
Mine has a threaded BB. Yours probably has the press fit. You will find plenty of info on how to service those. The seatpost size makes it hard to find replacements but they are out there: ird, syncros and suntour.
Just ride this bike.
As you see there is no correct build on a Wicked; they were customized all the time w/ xt 730, suntour, Magura, King, wtb, merlin bars.
I think it’s safe to say that I’m even more excited now! I’ve been without a retro bike for a while, last one was a Pace RC200 F8 which I loved... but this one should be an absolute treat. I just need DHL to turn up now so I can go and play in the woods! Cheers

Interesting stuff! Got to love a Wicked, in fact I need to pull mine out of the garage, thinking about it...

From the description it sounds like yours has evolved a bit over the time as it was used, the switchblade fork would be a period item for 1989 but some parts you have mentioned are from the early-mid 90's.

Hopefully this Mombat link might help you in terms of what was available for a period build: http://mombatbicycles.com/MOMBAT/BikeHi ... .html#1989

The fun bit is for you to decide/refine what you would like to keep and then add parts to your fancy. There should be some items fitted that are also worth selling to offset the cost (such as the Pauls parts and Kookas). If you want to keep things simple it might be worth hunting a donor bike from the same era, which should cover you with the drivetrain and maybe wheelset with a bit of luck. Good luck :)

Lots of fans of the FAT CHANCE Wicked on FB. I ride my Wicked Lite most days now, such a fast comfortable rider. Imo stick to 89 XT shimano and just ride it, dont overdo the £££ ano bling. 8)