8-speed rapid-fire shifters (1997ish, poss spares/repairs)

Nick B

Retro Newbie
I'm currently on the look-out for some replacement 8-speed rapid-fire shifters.

I've currently got a set of SL-M569 (97 LX shifters, no brakes), but on the right-hand shifter the 'up' trigger has stopped springing forward.

Arguably my own incompetence has something to do with this :roll: having managed to clip in I forgot to start cycling, the resulting keeling-over causing the lever to jam in place. Disassembly of the shifter revealed that a steel tab that retains the spring to move the lever forward had bent (how?!) jamming the lever. Attempting to bend the tab back caused it to break off and thus the spring to no longer fit or be retained.

Upshot is if anyone has a right-hand (or even pair of) SL-M569 RF shifters either in spares-or-repair (or working! don't need to be mint) condition I'd be interested.

Alternatively does anyone have any SL-M739 (or the XTR equivelent - I can't remember the number M950 perhaps?) in working but no need for mint condition?



PS: while I'm thinking about these things, does anyone know where I can get replacement (new) Richey-Logic Kool-Stop v-brake pads for my Avid 1.9's? The originally fitted ones look nothing like normal v-brake pads and almost exactly like the Kool-Stop canti pads except for the fitting bolt at the back. They seem to have nearly worn out after 13-years :oops: and the Shimano pads were just never quite as effective...