70's Europa but not the one most of you are thinking of

7th) It will gas, smoke, bubble and gurgle all the time it is acting and working, so once it isn't doing it so much then that means there's not a lot of aluminium left.

8th) After about the 3rd jugful I thought I'd see how it was doing and twisted the top of the seat post off which left a very thin seat post remnant inside the seat tube, this still wouldn't come out even though it was no more than about half a mill in wall thickness and I tried to peel it down the inside of the seat tube using a mallet and big flat screwdriver.

9th) after the 6th jug full what I was finally left with was a small bit of tin foil that finally came out.

So success, it took a while, made a big fuss about it and made a big mess but ultimately it worked and I'd happily do it again if I needed to.

And lastly, remember safety first, its nasty stuff and only use this method on aluminium set posts that are stuck in steel frames, anything else will go very badly wrong.


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PeachyPM":1guucll3 said:
Don't stop there.... I'm on the edge of my seat...
I do hope you've got a safety net, that could end in catastrophe.
allenh":2y4laed9 said:
PeachyPM":2y4laed9 said:
Don't stop there.... I'm on the edge of my seat...
I do hope you've got a safety net, that could end in catastrophe.

Especially on that post!...... :facepalm:

Well done Allen, top job, but I think I’ll stick to making my aluminium shiny…. ;)
(See latest post on my LotusXTR in my signature below)
PeachyPM":3i6q93aq said:
allenh":3i6q93aq said:
PeachyPM":3i6q93aq said:
Don't stop there.... I'm on the edge of my seat...
I do hope you've got a safety net, that could end in catastrophe.

Especially on that post!...... :facepalm:

Well done Allen, top job, but I think I’ll stick to making my aluminium shiny…. ;)
(See latest post on my LotusXTR in my signature below)

Very nice, always happy to let out my inner Magpie so I'm never a stranger to a shiny thing me.

I would actually liked to have saved that seat post because pre me abusing it trying to get it out it was in nice nick and would have polished up nicely, well all I can say is it should have come out like it was urged to and all this smokey and gurgley unpleasantness could have been avoided.

Mind you the inside of the frame is spotless now so I'd better get it rubbed down and in primer quick sharp because the caustic didn't do what paint there was on the outside of the frame a lot of good.
Re: Re:

Big Block":26gmt4fs said:
did you have a read of this thread

let me know if there is any specific question you have, I can ask a few locals for you
and I assume you found Greg's decals
his are world class

Who went to uni 800 metres from that shop.
Hi Philip

Would you be able to check if anyone over there remembers what shifters were standard on my Europa?
It has a Shimano set currently but the mechs and crank I know are supposed to be Ofmega so wanted to know if I still needed to keep searching for Ofmega ones for it.
A little bit more progress on this.

Greg in Australia contacted about new decals. Frame stripped of paint and treated for rust, It was nowhere near as bad as I thought it would be corrosion wise so needed surprisingly little treatment. And first coat of primer on.

I'm hoping to get it rubbed down and another coat of primer applied, 2 coats of base coat silver and with a bit of weather related luck the cherry red lacquer on over the next week or so then it will probably stop for a while as I clean all the various bits, get replacements for the odd bits I'm missing and wait for the decals to come from Australia.


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Nice work Allen, and cool that you’re getting help from our cousins down under….
Another couple of steps further on. A couple of coats of silver base coat and the lugs and awkward bits with a coat of red lacquer on.


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I knew I should have gone for blue, I've got a few cans of that. Oh well I'll leave it hanging and wait for the post man to bring me some more red lacquer and as the suns out I'll get on with something else today.


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Morning Allen, what brand of lacquer are you using?

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