69/96 er Retro's out there?


Dirt Disciple
Would like to see any 69/96 er retros and what you think of the conversion.

Mine is a 98 Klein Mantra Race, just converted her back to a 69er and it feels alive again.


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Here's my Ebay bankrupt Saracen frame that I converted to 69er


I had to consider fork axle to crown so as not to mess up the geometry. I thin the A/C is 425mm.

It rode well!
Andy R":26uw4zxc said:
The late and much lamented "Platsa Blue" Kona Explosif....


Is this the only photo of this bike in 69er format on the site? I couldn't find another. Only with the cromotos and a 26" wheel.

I obviously came across a few of your posts researching this topic Andy. ;)
There's also this one -

and this one too -

That's about it, I think :(

I still have a soft spot for that bike, the colour helps but it was also lighter than the Hummingbird that I'm mostly riding now. Its only downside was rear tyre clearance which meant anything over 2.25" was definately a no-go.
Maybe I'll do something with the frame again one of these days, although I'd have to find some other way of chain tensioning as I've sold the Excentriker BB.
Andy R":3p3xxhxp said:
The late and much lamented "Platsa Blue" Kona Explosif....

That is a truly lovely bike...

...I assume the only advantage is the ability to roll over rougher ground more quickly due to the slightly larger wheel?