52.2 miles on a £15 retrobike

Can I borrow the cars and the parrot? I pay cash... ;-)

The actual wallpaper is not a problem. It's that million layers of paint under... Steamer doesn't help there too much. Heavy duty stripper with 10 spare blades, plus muscles power :-D
1 mile (and that was just the queue to get into the Live 'n' Deadly at Conkers today) :roll: :LOL:
7 miles on and off road on a fixie, it'd be further if I was fit enough to ride up some of the hills I had to push/carry the bike :roll:
Did 7 miles this morning at 530am to work got half way there, realised I REALLY wasnt as fit as I used to be!! Then me gears started mucking about!
Got to work though did twelve (12!) hours and then rode home.
14 miles total feel knackered but also have a very warm feeling inside!!!
