Sorted 4 or 5 speed block


Senior Retro Guru
Thread-on, not too concerned about the ratio’s, for ‘50’s hub (can’t say which brand. Not because it’s a secret. Simply because no-one seems to be able to identify it.)
Needed as the original had a meeting behind the bike shop with Mr AngleGrinder, after a frankly disagreeable exchange of views with Mr Record-Vice, Ms ChainWhip, the FreeWheel-Nut Cousins and Master Much-Swearing. That’ll learn it for refusing to budge.
It's quite satisfying breaking a freewheel away where the tool interface has failed - especially if it took the tool with it!

If you can remove the freewheel mechanism (usually with a pin spanner, i mean hammer and punch) and expose the pawls, you can get a grip in the vice in the pawl sockets and turn the wheel off.

Swearing is fun, but skinning your knuckles on rusty old teeth is not strictly necessary😁

I've got some decent 4 and 5 freewheels if you need to buy one👍
Ah, literally tried all the things but in this case…
…but definitely keen on seeing what you have. The one that came off was a Cyclo.
I'll dig out the box on Monday when I'm in the shop, or more specifically down in...
the bikeworkshop vintage parts mine
14-24 5-speed Cyclo in reasonable condition. One removal slot is a bit chewed but otherwise all good. Feels smooth enough but might benefit from a wee strip and clean. Tenner posted.

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