3rd January - Thetford

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L8 starter":3jy3o6u1 said:
cannondale king":3jy3o6u1 said:
yeah complete mixed bag mate from whippets to hippo's :shock: :cool: and all inbeween

that still doesnt tell me anything about gender? no, i dont want quips about someone being a girlie really, just wondering if theres any females? posts all appear to be very male :roll:

as with all retrobike meets ALL ARE WELCOME no one minds what sex or fitness level as long as you have fun thats what its all about ;) :D please come as this so far is gonna be the biggest turn out wev'e ever had ie more than the normal 10/15 its gona be a great day it'll good to meet some new people and make some new friends too :cool: :cool:

i take it thats a 'no' you dont usually get any women turn up then? :( crumbs is it this hard to get a straight answer to a simple question? :shock:

i have a NYD party so ill see how early i wake up on sunday morning :)
L8 starter":rkt3a49m said:
i take it thats a 'no' you dont usually get any women turn up then? :( crumbs is it this hard to get a straight answer to a simple question? :shock:

i have a NYD party so ill see how early i wake up on sunday morning :)

ok we dont normaly have any women come along but its not down to anything other than none have ever wanted to come before ps if you come the tea and cake are on me ;) :cool: hows that :D
Welcome to RB Tina, I assume it's you with a forum name like that. To give a straight answer to your question we don't have any female RB members in our region, appart from yourself of course AFAIK. You are more than welcome to join us and you may find you will be kicking some of the other riders arses on the singletrack ;)

Cannondale King used to live with lots of blokes on ships for months at a time, sometimes he had to pretend to be a woman.
It's with huge regret that I'll not now be able to attend :(

While out walking the dogs last night I managed to fall base over apex and fracture a bone in my wrist, so I can't get down to Colchester to collect the MTB, let alone ride it :cry:

Have a great day everyone, and hopefully I'll join you on a future jaunt.

rough luck mate. hope you recover soon.

itll be the roads that stop me coming if anything. i found myslef going nowhere 3am this morning trying to push my bike up even a small gradient! i had to take a longer version to find some grip

i was planning to ride tunstall this morning but no way was i moving anywhere on the roads around here so if its another hard freeze ill have to catch you another time
Really bad news about your wrist Graham. We are planning another meet on 13th February; may be a bit too soon for your wrist to mend but will keep you posted when they happen.
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