3 XTR M950/2 front mechs 31.8 bottom pull


Gold Trader
GT Fan
After starting what I hope to be a clear out of unused parts, first up are some XTR front mechs. Pics to follow once I'm not using a crappy iPad that won't allow me to select the image links directly (why do I persevere with one when actual computers and laptops are so much better??).

There are 2 M950s and an M952 (the one with the mega 9 decal).

All are in good working condition, the main difference is the cosmetics.

Pics: http://s965.photobucket.com/albums/ae136/Ian_Shaw/Oct 2012 sale stuff/

An honest assesment of the condition would be:

M950 - Bottom left (6.5-7 / 10) - £20 - Now £17.50
- Nice band
- Cage inner has some chain wear
- Cage outer has some slight pimples in the chrome
- Logos present and correct

M950 - Bottom right (7.5-8 / 10) - £25 - Now £22.50
- Nice band
- Cage inner has a slight rub through, not nearly as much as above one
- Cage outer is sound and shiny
- Logos present and correct

M952 - Top (6.5-7 / 10) - £20 - Now £17.50
- Nice band
- Cage inner all good - not rubbed through, though signs of use
- Cage front has some slight pimples in the chrome
- Cage rear has some pimples in the chrome as above
- Logos present and correct

Hopefully the pics show/correlate to the above - obviously condition is subjective so the pics should do the talking. A couple of the mechs have the wrong clamp bolt.

Looking for a 28.6 bottom pull mech Ian, prefer XTR M95# or something with a Black band? Can you help? Cheers Wold

Any of them 31.8 top swing top pull for kona kula 1999
or 34.9 bottom pull for 1998 stump jumper M2 please.
