I am currently restoring an old Keith Coppul bike from the late 70's Everything has gone really well except for the wheels. I don't think the wheels that came with the bike when I acquired it were the originals. The build quality was poor, "Sunshine" hubs and Weiman rims and after much cleaning , polishing and retruing I had a set of wheels that basically fell to bits on the first ride. I think they are past recovery as the front rim has a real flat spot in it and I would like to replace them. The wheels are 27 x 1 1/4, I don't want to switch to 700c as they just don't look right in the frame and I have a really nice set of Suntour Superb brakes that are too short to reach 700c rims. I've looked around the web for replacements but everything available seems pretty basic and I'm not convinced they will last any length of time. Are there any decent replacement wheels available or will I have to go down the custom built route?