27.0 inline seatpost


Old School Hero
It's for a commuter which will be left in full veiw of thieving scum so I really would prefer something cheap.

Hi Paul

Cheers for the link. If all else fails I'll buy one.

You're going to hate me for this - It's for a 1998 Lava Dome like yours! I'm building it up as a nice commuter for my wife and trying to make it look undesirable to thieves. The problem I'm having is no matter how hard I try, it still looks great!

I know its not inline but i have an XT in pretty good nic.

12 gbp posted and its retro,so cant be bad!


ps no pics, Sorry :roll:
Hi Al

Thanks very much for the offer but I really need an inline one to the top tube is a bit long for her.
You could turn it round. ;)

got a use sus one, but that is nickable.

Cheers Al

Turning the (original Kona) post around would actually solve the problem so if all else fails, out of desperation, I might just do it as a temporary measure.

Hey, she might even like it the other way round :p :LOL:
Just wondering if we could do a deal here. I recently bought the tioga seatpost from Chainreaction simply because I couldn't find any 27mm with layback.

If your interested Zappa you can have mine £10 posted and that will fund getting al's XT post.

Let me know if this is of interest.

Hi g_rick

Thanks very much for your kind offer.

I've decided to stick with the original Kona one as after fitting a shorter stem, it seems an inline wouldn't make a significant enough difference.