Wanted 26.8mm 1993 era seatpost (ideally Answer Rocker) for LOOK MI90


Dirt Disciple
I have been lucky enough to buy a 1993 LOOK MI90.

I'll do a proper post on here about the bike, a before and after, once it's a bit more as I'd like it.

One thing I've stuggled with is a 26.8mm seatpost I like.

Some say it came with a LOOK seatopst, I don't think it did. I think it likely came with a XT post.

I'm not going stricktly original on this, more as I'd have built it around the time. It came with a MICHE seat post binder, I have a Turbomatic saddle...

I'd love a Answer Rocker saddle as I've always liked the brand and I think they look great. I also like the period MICHE posts to match the binder.

No photos as yet I'm afraid.

Any ideas or posts tucked away in sheds would be much appreciated!